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builds for
iron horse

this is a collection of builds that get you through every single position required for your iron horse completions.

the standard dps

when you are new to raiding this might be the first build you'd want to farm for. it will be suitable for the whole raid.

regulus headhunter

this is the advanced version of the standard dps build. it requires a bit of practice but it will help you a lot with add control.

regulus pgc

this is essentially the same as the headhunter version but it comes with a bigger damage spike on ONE shot instead of ongoing headshots.

FI healer

the standard healing build that accompanies you through the raid. one FI healer is required in almost all encounters and transistions.

fieser solo top

this build helps you to spot the spawn of the top floor adds and helps you to kill them quickly.
requirements: sharpshooter, spotter drone, destroyer drone

fieser tank

stack your armor on either fieser or the cannon, predamage him to 4,1 armor bars and use the watercannons without burning to death. oh, and you can cancel the wipe.
requirements: achilles, bullwark shield 

oxi snipers

you overcharge yourself then you shoot the sticky at the snipers door. then you jump down, open the gate and throw oxis at the snipers until they are dead.

hazpro diagnostics

you will be resitant to all the bad weather conditions on the diagnostics tower. you also provide some bonus armor for your team and you can tank williams before alphabet phase.

tips headhunter

this build provides enough boom to break the chungas helmets with only half a headhunter stack using the tac50.

stability headhunter

this build pushes you to 100% stability on the nemesis so you can break the chungas helmets before their door opens.

aces of eights

if you get bored of the other headhunter builds, try this. you also shoot heads but with different gear.


stand your ground with this awesome keytank build. honestly: almost all full-blue-core-builds work.

requirements: bullwark shield


cancel the launch of morozovas very personal rockets and be resilient to all sorts of threats in general.
morozova immunity thresholds:
second phase - 7 armor bars

third phase - 4 armor bars
fourth phase - 0 armor bars

nego oneshot build

this build helps you to get the oneshot kills on gray, fieser and williams. have fun trying it out!

requirements: (overcharge), achilles

discord - tarosh#8163

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